2020-2021 Projects

A list of projects that reps finished in the 2020-21 school year!


Virtual Toy Drive

To help spread joy in the community we hosted a virtual toy drive for the kids at Seattle Children's Hospital. We were able to raise over $1000 worth of toys!


Visiting Advisories

This project aims to increase transparency between the student body and Student Government. Reps will visit every advisory and tell each what we have been doing all year and give students a chance to ask questions about what we have been doing! Look out for this project the week after mid-winter break!


(Mostly) Mandatory In-Class Breaks

In order to combat fatigue, we worked with the administration to give mostly mandatory breaks in all long-block classes. There are some cases where a break is not always appropriate, hence the almost :)


Quarterly Survey

To better find out how students are feeling and doing in school we send out a survey at the end of each survey. This survey allows us to cater our projects to student interests.

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Palentines: a valentine for a pal! This event was the perfect way to share appreciation for anyone in the community!


Pen Pals

A pen pal program which aims to connect members of the student body!


Holiday Bakeoff Video

To spread joy during the holidays we made a video recreating bakeoff TV shows. We used all student and faculty videos!

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Lakeside Olympics

To spread joy during the holidays we made a video competition of a variety of random events. Students and faculty submitted videos competing for the crown!


Teacher Appreciation

This project gave people the opportunity to share how much their teachers mean to them and how much they appreciate them.


Zoom Lunches

In order to strengthen the community in remote learning we have people a space to connect during lunch on Zoom!

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Senior Salutes

Senior Salutes: a great way to spread positivity and for the student body to share their appreciation and love for the senior class!

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Land Acknowledgment

Student Government organized a project that aimed to educate everyone about the land that our school is built on, and that will properly acknowledge the Coast Salish people.


Service Fair

Stud Gov successfully organized a Service Fair, a way for the Student Body to advocate for organizations they were passionate about. It also gave people a chance to learn about new organizations they might want to help with.

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Clubs Fair

We started off this year by creating a virtual clubs fair where students could browse and sign up for various clubs.


Portable Naming

In order to bring more clarity and add a touch of creativity, we, with input from the student body, gave names to our new portable classrooms!

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Stress Busters

Stress busters are fun, seemingly spontaneous events that aim to relive student stress. We have done many this year: one for every month. Student pet superlative contest, a thriller event, school-themed Kahoots, and game nights are some that we’ve done so far!


Student Government Podcast

A (mostly) monthly podcast where we reflect on everything!


Student Government Social Media

Student Government has a number of social media outlets, we have been updating them with our exciting events and fun news!